Риша Авдеева – Мысли-Смыслы

Alex Hitrenko – Jury’s Verdict

Demo voice message.No music, no harmony, no key First demo.After 3 hours of production with the client(deciding on the harmonies and basic instruments): Demo update.After a few hours of production without the client(implementing the vision of how I see the track): Current version.After a few sessions and a couple of days of […]
Evgenia Kuleshova – Star Scatter

https://youtu.be/1xorR6fKfaADemo: After 1 session: After additional production and mixing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GM6sWcK57wYhttps://youtu.be/akkb3p8cpK4
Fire Inside of Your Mind

A short excerpt of my new song
Anykee – Риф

Anykee – Жук

ANYKEE · Anykee – Жук
Anykee – Пой

ANYKEE · Пой My work for this video includes the following: arrangement sound recording sound production mixing and recording flying drone editing the video
Drowning Mind

I composed, recorded, mixed, filmed & edited the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm38b_O31bU
TakTak – Osen’

Antenna Tree – Сколько Часов

This is a lyrics video for an ANTENNA TREE song called “Сколько Часов” (Skol’ko Chasov, How Many Hours). Once I woke up early in the morning and flew around Saint Petersburg. It was a beautiful dawn during a military ship showcase on the Neva River. Then I figured out that it would be an excellent […]